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Christopher Gordon: Implementation Science for HIV Prevention and Care...
Using Implementation Science to Address HIV Needs: Examples from NIH, CDC, and HRSA (20994)
CHIPTS Regional EHE Meeting- Chris Gordon, National Institute of Mental Health
Shifting the prevention and care agenda to implementation science
Use Implementation Science to promote best practices in HIV/AIDS Care, Dong (Roman) Xu, PhD, MPP
Transforming evidence into HIV policies and practice: Lessons from global Implementation Science
Implementation science and retention in HIV care
Advancing Global Implementation Science at the National Institutes of Health
Chris Beyrer, MD, MPH - April 30, 2020 HIV Center Grand Rounds
J.D. Smith, Ph.D. - December 3, 2020 HIV Center Grand Rounds
World AIDS Day 2021: Addressing Inequities and Syndemics to End the HIV Epidemic
NIH Center/Community Partnerships on End HIV Epidemic Efforts for Young People with HIV (16042)